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We have selected a comprehensive range of active CO detectors that have been designed and tested for the cockpit environment. Although the portable personal device is an attractive price and may be good for some, it needs to born in mind that its audio alarm is unlikely to be heard in a cockpit and unless it is very much in the line of sight of the pilot’s scan the figures may not be noticed until too late. The installed options are wired into the aircraft audio system to give an alarm in your headset and are panel mounted in line of sight to flash alerts.
Panel Mount CO detector with alarm. Alarm sounds if CO levels above 50ppm and are sustained for 3 mi..
Remote mounted monitor and alarm, wired into audio panel and suitable EFIS (Garmin G3X, JPI EDM, etc..
Panel mounted digital readout of PPM with audio alarm, also able to be wired into many EFIS systems ..